Leadership in Action – Do You Take Time to Celebrate?
Many of us are still leading teams remotely. With all the video conference calls we need to be on, there is a chance we are pulling back from some of the critical opportunities that create connection. Taking agenda time, to socialize and celebrate both personal and...
Leadership In Action – Your Wellbeing Depends on You Leading Well
Last week, Michelle McQuaid and her colleagues at The Wellbeing Lab released their latest community report, providing insights on how communities can increase the wellbeing of their members. The data confirmed that leaders have a big influence on the wellbeing of...
Leadership in Action – Hire Someone Who Does Not Fit!
What do you look for when bringing a new member into your team? When we focus on the way they will fit into the current team, we are limiting our ability to take the team to the next level. The next member of your team should be someone who does not fit, and your job...
Leadership in Action – Is There Something Worse than Being Fired?
What is worse than being fired? Being ignored. As a leader, ignoring one or more team members is a form of punishment, and most of us never think of the impact. There are many contributing factors: a team that’s too big, a few go-to members, or inexperienced members...
Leadership in Action – Creating Simple Innovation
Too often, when we ask our teams to be innovative, they think “the next iPhone” on the horizon. We put innovation too far out there. If we take a step back and approach it as creating simple innovation, making improvements in our everyday processes and products seems...
Leadership in Action – What Is Your Team’s PTG?
We have all heard about PTSD – Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – and the impact this has on individuals for months, or even years, after the distressful event. There are two other possible outcomes. Some individuals deal with the event in the moment and have little or...
Leadership In Action – Are You the Most Stressful Part of your Team’s Day?
In an HBR[1] article, it was reported that 75% of Americans say their “boss is the most stressful part of their workday.” While the levels of stress and anxiety have clearly risen over the past year, the thought that we as leaders are part of the problem should be a...
From The Desk Of
We’re 50!
We’re 50! It’s our golden jubilee year – The Pacific Institute celebrates 50 years of impacting the globe, one life at a time! We are so proud to be a part of this incredible achievement and milestone, as we celebrate 50 years of our clients’ success. We look...
A Different View
Business Update
March 21 A foundational core of business development and growth within TPI Africa is our relationships with our clients – or as we call it – “REAL-altionships”. Our conversations lead to a real understanding of each clients’ pains, gains and strategic goals, both at...
Round Table
Wellbeing enhanced by PERMA
Wellbeing enhanced by PERMA Martin Seligman’s PERMA model is a welcome inclusion in our curriculum and shows up in our Mindesetting for Wellbeing programme. P=Positive Emotions E=Engagement R=Relationships M=Meaning A= Achievement As these elements increase in life so...
Ensure Change
Ensure Change, as its name suggests, is a framework that enables, individuals, organisations and teams to tangibly measure how they: • Identify, • Create, • Deliver, • Enable and • Track the value they want to bring to their staff, teams, clients and to their market...
Note from our Clients
First Bank Nigeria 09th February 2021 To Whom it May Concern In preparation for our Annual Retreat of the Board and Executive Management team in November 2018 which was themed “Building a Sustainable Workforce: Re-Igniting the Passion in our People”; it became...
What are we reading? listening to? watching?
What are we reading? Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0 – Jim Collins “This book is a great addition to any library. The authors, with decades of experience, list out the different, important factors that help a company move from good to great. Starting with leadership...
Leadership in Action – Beyond Good To Great
February, 2021 THE PACIFIC INSTITUTE ARTICLES As we develop ourselves, our teams, and organizations, what is needed to get to the next level changes. It takes more effort and energy to get there. In other words, what got you this far will not take you to the next...
Leadership In Action – Having that Tough Conversation
February, 2021THE PACIFIC INSTITUTEARTICLESMany of us put off having that tough conversation, as we visualize it not going well. The reality is that an effective way, to be fair but firm, provides clarity, accountability and the opportunity to correct one’s mistakes....
Leadership in Action – To Do or To Teach? That is the question.
February, 2021THE PACIFIC INSTITUTEARTICLES“It’s just quicker to do it myself.” Every one of us has said this, from time to time. It’s the choice to train a team member on a new process or simply do it ourselves. In the long run, it is a short-sighted decision.First,...
Leadership in Action – Ensuring Goal Acceptance
January, 2021THE PACIFIC INSTITUTEARTICLESIn the past two posts, we looked at the advantages of clear and accepted goals, as well as how to ensure that goals are clear. This post, we finish off this series with how we make sure goals are accepted. Ensuring goal...
Leadership In Action – 3 Keys to Effective Goal Achievement
January, 2021THE PACIFIC INSTITUTENEWS From a recent review of several hundred leaders, who received feedback from The Leadership BluePrint™, interesting patterns have emerged, most notably in the area of Goals. In terms of impact, Goals is the factor typically...