Wellbeing enhanced by PERMA

Wellbeing enhanced by PERMA

Wellbeing enhanced by PERMA

Martin Seligman’s PERMA model is a welcome inclusion in our curriculum and shows up in our Mindesetting for Wellbeing programme.

P=Positive Emotions




A= Achievement

As these elements increase in life so the chance of flow and flourishing is enhanced and facilitated in an individual.

My own approach to this addition has been to integrate the five elements, more intentionally into my daily habitual routine.

  • I intentionally add POSITIVE EMOTIONS by listing 10 things I am thankful for – with my first cup of tea each day.

  • I choose an ENGAGING activity for the day– meaning one where I lose a sense of time while doing this activity and I feel FLOW. For me typically, this is painting, crocheting, knitting, walking, jogging etc. I allow my mind to wander and I am fully engulfed by the activity.

  • I deliberately choose one RELATIONSHIP that is important to me and arrange an interaction with that person that will benefit and be satisfying to both of us.

  • My MEANING element is wrapped up in my happiness levels (H1-H4- Bb Spitzer) and my faith. I feed these daily and this way grow purpose- fullness and a sense of “something meaning- full, yet to accomplish” (Victor Frankl) in this life.

  • I have an ACHIEVEMENT bucket list. This list is expressed in goals with affirmations to get me there. A goal that I achieved at the end of February, was the Otter Trail!

I am enjoying the benefit of integrating the above five elements more intentionally into my life.  Thank you, Martin Seligman.

Mindsetting for Wellbeing takes you through a structured process that assists the integration of the above five elements mentioned. 

Libbi Martin