Explain as follows:
In a research survey Compolo asked the following question of 80year-olds:
“If you could live you live all over again, what would you do differently?”
Get delegates suggestions as to what they would guess were the 1st, 2nd and 3rd most common responses.
Give the actual top 3 responses:
Our hope is that the IIE experience you are about to embark on will help you do avoid those regrets – at that or any age, for that matter. Even as you participate in IIE, take some risks, laugh and enjoy the process and allow yourself to think deeply about your life and its purpose.
1. They constantly test the limits of their potential.
2. They understand the forces that need to be mastered in order to move from “here” to “there”.
3. They improve the quality of their search for better truth on an ongoing basis, and, therefore, significantly better ways of doing things.
4. They use tension creatively in the achievement of what was previously “impossible”.
5. They deeply grasp the fact that they can do very little of significance entirely by themselves, and live out its implications.
6. They understand the importance of purpose – knowing deeply what both “I” and “WE” want and why.
[E] Experiential Learning Cycle [ELC]: “THE MAZE” AKA THE VW BEETLE EXERCISE
To understand that we do not all see things in the same way. We can learn from each other, and should actively seek to do so. Value our difference. I cannot be fully me, without you.
NOTE: This is aimed at setting the right climate for growth right from the beginning of IIE experience.
⋅ Ask the group to suggest what it could be.
⋅ Various replies are common: an Aztec mask; a fountain; a throne; a maze; etc. Ask them to show the group how they see these things (“I can’t see what you see. Help me see.”) It helps to invite them to come up to the OHP and point out what they see. [If someone sees a Volkswagen Beetle, treat it just the same as the other suggestions at this stage.]
⋅ If no one sees a VW Beetle, then facilitator should point that one out.
⋅ This is just a drawing, so there really is no single answer. The artist did set out to draw the VW, though, and Lou refers to it later, so it is important that they all see this one – help them see!
(What happened?)
⋅ They recognise that they are all seeing different things in the same drawing.
⋅ They also see that it is not always easy to get across to the others exactly what they are seeing.
(What have you learnt from the experience you have just had?)
⋅ Place a copy of the picture on a flip chart.
⋅ Ask the participants what they are learning from this. Draw out learnings as per purpose stated above.
Capture on flip chart.
– People look at the same thing and see differently. Same information different perspectives.
– Personal experience affects the way you see things.
– Be open to learning from others.
– Share your perspectives with others; help others “see.”
– We need each other.
⋅ Another learning from this exercise is that we don’t see the different pictures in the drawing until someone suggests it, and then we see it. Once we set a goal to see something, we achieve that goal.
[We can’t talk about the RAS yet, because they haven’t learned it yet, but we can still talk about the principle.]
(How does what you have learnt here change the way you will think and act in other situations?)
⋅ Always be open to other possibilities. If you see things others cannot see, help them see.
⋅ Specifically here in the IIE seminar situation, make it a goal to practise this throughout. Be open-minded about learning new things, and be generous in helping others learn too.