Please read each statement and click the response (SA, A, D, SD) most accurately describing your feelings and/or beliefs. There are 39 Questions in this questionnaire.
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1. I believe individuals have a capacity for growth.
2. I believe I can control most of the elements in my life.
3. I have aspiration for professional advancement.
4. I believe I have virtually no alternatives in my life and that outside events have a great impact on my life.
5. I believe I can change if I want to change.
6. I believe individuals have a responsibility to expand their lives throughout their lifetimes.
7. I believe if life events impact me adversely I can adapt satisfactorily.
8. I believe I am responsible for my own happiness.
9. I believe adults continue to grow and develop just as adolescents experience growth between the ages of 12-18.
10. I believe personal happiness is enhanced when personal goals are met.
11. I believe goal-setting enhances my chances of reaching goals.
12. I believe goal-setting is appropriate to use in the work place.
13. I believe specific techniques can be used to effectively set goals.
14. I like my job.
15. I am satisfied with my current position.
16. I rarely miss a day of work due to illness.
17. The days when I am away from the job are professional development days.
18. I believe my employer values my work performance.
19. Once I decide I want to make a change, I believe I am capable of making changes in my personal life.
20. I believe I could advance professionally if I wanted to advance.
21. I am currently aware of how my self-talk impacts my feelings.
22. I believe I have reached the peak of my development in my professional position.
23. I am satisfied with my position professionally.
24. I believe I have choices.
25. I currently use my affirmations.
26. I believe making positive affirmations has an impact on my behavior.
27. I have a feeling of inner peace.
28. I consider myself to be open to new ideas and concepts.
29. I am aware of visualization techniques.
30. I currently utilize visualization techniques.
31. I have a spouse/partner who supports my personal growth.
32. I have a spouse/partner who supports my professional growth.
33. I believe the people I associate with at work support my personal and professional growth.
34. I believe the people I consider as my personal friends support my professional and personal growth.
35. I have experienced a personal crisis within my adult lifetime.
36. I am willing to take risks.
37. I am satisfied with my personal life.
38. I consider myself to be conservative when it comes to
new ideas and concepts.
39. I believe having a positive attitude makes a person more successful.