Let’s take a few minutes to explore those areas of life that are important to us, today. In the Balance Wheel diagram:
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1. Label each segment with an area of your life that you attend to each day, week or month. (You do not
need to fill in all the segments, if you don’t want to. You may use these suggestions if they apply to your
life.) 1.Personal 2.Family 3.Health/Physical 4.Health/Mental
5.Spiritual 6.Social 7.Career/Vocation/Job 8.Retirement
9.Marriage 10.Educational 11.Recreational/Leisure Time 12.Community Service
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2. Think about your satisfaction, your level happiness, with each area you have labeled.
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3. With the center being zero (0) and the outer ring being ten (10), shade in each segment to the level of
your satisfaction or happiness, as of today.
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4. These are the three or four areas where I want to focus more attention, today:
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5. For each area above, these are goals I want to achieve in the next four weeks:
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