TP5 Unit 7: The Strength is in the Pictures


Writing our affirmations is just the beginning. We need a method for imprinting those new pictures into our Subconscious. It turns out that this is another natural tool that we have had at our disposal for a very long time. As kids, we called it “pretend,” and as teens, our parents called it “daydreaming.” Today, we are calling it “visualization.” 


By the end of this unit, I will be able to: 

  • explain the parts of I x Ve = R and how they work in imprinting my affirmations.
  • describe two other methods for imprinting my affirmations.
  • Create a schedule to maximize the imprinting of my affirmations. 

Key Points 

  • We imprint the desired futures we want, from our affirmations, with another natural tool we have at our disposal – our teleological, or goal-driven, nature. Remember, it is the job of our Creative Subconscious to maintain our connection to the strongest pictures we hold of ourselves (our self-image). We use the visualization process to reinforce those new pictures created by our affirmations.
  • For each affirmation, read the words. Then, close your eyes and see the end result, the goal you want, and feel the positive emotions of achieving your goal. Then go to your next affirmation and read, picture and feel. On to the next and read, picture and feel. Sound familiar? It is. It is your self-talk helping you create the new replacement picture.
  • The clearer and more vivid the words, and the sharper the emotions, the faster we can make the changes we want. The best times of the day to go through our affirmations are first thing in the morning, and right before we go to sleep at night. Anytime during the day is fine, and we don’t need to restrict ourselves to only twice a day.
  • The formula I x Ve = R helps us to create effective replacement pictures. Imagination times Vividness, with Emotion, equals Reality in our Subconscious.
  • Other effective ways to create and reinforce our new neural pathways include journaling – not just text, but pictures, mind maps, drawings, graphs – vision boards, creating “mini movies” in our minds. Any method that allows us to build a magnetic draw to those replacement pictures we’ve created for our futures. 

Key Concepts 

Affirmation(s) – a statement of fact or belief; a confirmation or ratification of a truth; and internal, intentional act that establishes as specific course of action; a state of being for the future. 

Creative Subconscious – the source of mental processes that leads to ideas, solutions, artistic forms, new or novel concepts and theories. 

Imprinting – rapid learning that occurs during a brief, receptive period; establishes a long-lasting behavior response to a specific situation or object. 

I x Ve = R – Imagination times Vividness, with Emotion, equals Reality on the Subconscious level; a method to solidify our affirmations into our Subconscious, to create a replacement picture. 

Teleological – a doctrine or belief that a final cause exists, that there is a purpose to being, that all move toward goal achievement; also, that order in the universe is not random. 

Visualization – the act of creating images from the imagination and make them perceptive to the mind. Creative visualization is often a means of unblocking or dissolving barriers that we have created for ourselves. 

Application & Review Questions 

Download the interactive PDF and save to your hard drive. Then, take time to reflect on the Application & Review Questions and answer them in relation to the concepts presented apply to your own life.

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Journaling – An Application Practice 

Download a PDF of this article at this link. 

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Extended learning Videos – TBC