TP5 Unit 6: The Tools for Growth


We are about to learn a formalized process for harnessing our self-talk to move us toward achieving our goals. We will use tools we already have at our disposal to direct our self-talk. This process is easy, effective and a proven path to realizing our objectives and aspirations. 


By the end of this unit, I will be able to: 

  • list the 11 guidelines for writing effective affirmations. 
  • identify three areas from my balance wheel I want to change. 
  • write three personal goals from these areas into affirmation format. 

“Affirmations are not the end result. They are the means to get you the end result you want.”
Lou Tice 

Key Points 

  • Our thoughts accumulate to become our beliefs, and our thoughts are created by the words we use. These words trigger pictures, to which we attach emotions or feelings. These thoughts are commonly called our self-talk. We have used our self-talk in the past to create and reinforce the self-image that we hold of ourselves, saved in our Subconscious mind. Self-talk becomes statements of fact, or belief, that we tell ourselves.
  • Now we will use our self-talk to change old pictures that are holding us back, and replace them with what we want for our futures. We will self-regulate at our new pictures, our new levels of expectation. Harnessing our self-talk will help us move toward those new expectations quickly and effectively. It’s about using our forethought – that ability unique to human beings – to create the future we want.
  • Using our self-talk (Words – Pictures – Emotions) and a formalized process, we create experiential, first-person, present-tense and positive imagery to move us to our desired replacement pictures. We call it affirmations.
  • Affirmations are not the end result. They are the tools we use to get to our desired end results. Our end results, our goals, are connected to the changes we want to make. The number of affirmations we create are up to us. 

Key Concepts 

Affirmation(s) – a statement of fact or belief; a confirmation or ratification of a truth; and internal, intentional act that establishes as specific course of action; a state of being for the future. 

Forethought – the ability to conceive of and foresee a possible future; unique to human beings. 

Goals – a sought end result that may be actual and objective or internal and subjective; may be near term (proximal) or long-term (distal); measurable in its achievement. 

Self-Talk - the constant conversation going on inside of us, that allows us to evaluate and assess our behavior; positive or negative, it appears to have a confirming and affirming effect on establishing our self-image. Self-Talk has three components: Words, which trigger Pictures, which cause Emotions to be brought to the Conscious mind. 

Self-Regulation – following an internal standard of action or behavior.