Many companies are waiting for the “new normal” to emerge so they can make choices on how they fit in the new economy. Great companies are creating their future by establishing their value in the marketplace. They are doing this by leveraging their Purpose.
As you Nurture Growth in your team and organization, the purpose needs to be at the center of everything you do. Purpose answers the questions: Why do we exist? What value do we bring to the larger community? What makes you excited to work the hours you work?
When leaders don’t take the time to answer these questions, all they can do is react to current issues and situations. These companies are not market leaders. They are market followers.
To lead with purpose, the answers to the above questions are the framework for your strategy. The tighter you can articulate the why for your team and organization, the easier it is for your entire team to align behind new initiatives. Specifically do the following:
1. Focus on the Why, not the What: When we let go of what we do and focus on why we do it, new ways of providing value to our customers emerge. Challenge your team. “If we did not do our what, how else could we provide value for our customers today?” New products, approaches and revenue opportunities can emerge from this simple shift in perspective.
2. Encourage the challenging of assumptions: Help your team move from being compliant-focused to being innovative. Innovation is not just cool new Apps. It is our everyday stuff done better. When your team knows the purpose, it is easier for them to let go of the past and adapt to the future.
3. Be a role model: Show your team how you have adapted your routine to continue to provide the value of the Why. Remember, as a leader you are always a role model. You just need to be the role model that you want your team to see. Make it easy for them. Instead of just doing the right things, take the time to explain, why you are doing things different today and connect that to the purpose. This empowers your staff to follow your example and be more proactive in their work.
Using these three ways to Nurture Growth helps put purpose at the center of everything you and your team do, creating the future by establishing your value to the marketplace.